Advantages of Having Microsite

A microsite is a smaller, simpler website that is primarily built to focus on a specific subject, product or campaign. Microsite typically lives on its own domain, but may also exist as a subdomain. Some major benefits or advantages are listed below that a Microsite can offer to you in order to promote a particular product or service.


    With a microsite dedicated to your product, project or campaign, this will help increase awareness not only of the specific item, but also your brand. It will also help increase the overall excitement around the subject of the microsite. People will have a better experience by being able to find what they are looking for with fewer pages to navigate, compared to your main website.
    A microsite can be used in many ways, including:

    • Promote an event or a product
    • Announce a new product/solution launch
    • Release study results
    • Inform about a time-specific event or initiative
    • Provide details about a specific service offering


    A microsite helps give your prospects and customers a place to go to find information specific to your product, project or campaign in detail. It is a good step to provide a unique entity to your new product/project and to present it differently from the work you have done in the past.


    The microsite will contain an assortment of keyword-rich language specific to the topic of the site, Swhich is highly valued by Google and search engines.


    Microsites are great if you are on a tight marketing budget. They are less expensive since they are less involved than a large website. They are also easier to maintain and more affordable than adding to a bigger website.

The value of microsites is sometimes underestimated by clients, but they are a great way to promote a specific product, project or campaign, especially if it is temporary. They are also cost and time efficient.

Get in Touch

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Contact Me

Kuldeep Polley
West Bengal, India
Contact Number:+91 (0) 8013416248